Children’s Programs
Upcoming February Programs
Preschool Storytime
Monday, February 3, February 10, February 17, and February 24 at 10:30AM
Join Ms. Megan for Preschool Storytime at the Marion Library.
Books, songs, felt board stories, action rhymes, and fun for preschool-aged children.
Movement Storytime with Jordan Laney Monday, February 3 at 10:30AM
Join us on the first Monday of each month for Preschool Movement Storytime. Come enjoy stories along with Yoga for toddlers.
Bilingual Preschool Storytime with Silvia Martin Del Campo Vargas, Monday, February 17 at 10:30AM
Regular scheduled Preschool Storytime, featuring books read in Spanish and English by Silvia Martin Del Campo Vargas.
Circle of Parents Mondays after Marion Preschool Storytime 11AM-12:30PM
Join Amanda Tippey for refreshments, coffee, conversation with other parents, and support during this season of parenting! Contact Amanda: for more information.
Craft for Little Hands
Preschool-aged children are invited to craft at the library. Dress for a mess because we will be using glue, scissors, paints, paper, markers, crayons and much more! Designed for ages 3- to 5-year old’s, but all are welcome.
Monday, February 10 at 11AM | Marion Library
Family Storytime Monday, February 24 at 4PM
Local Arthur, Alyssa Hughes will read her latest book, “Mountain Made” A Child’s True Account of Hurricane Helene.
Elementary Programs
After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): Valentine’s Day Slime
Wednesday, February 5 at 4pm | Marion Library
Elementary students are invited to come make Valentine’s Day slime!
After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): Birding for Kids: Ornithology
Wednesday, February 12 at 4pm | Marion Library
Join us for an educational program with the North Carolina Arboretum to learn all about birds, and the many different types that call Western North Carolina their home! We’ll venture out on a bird walk, search for evidence of birds, and even learn some bird calls! Come ready to hear about the ecoEXPLORE program, our area’s many different types of birds, what they eat, why some birds migrate, plus much more!
After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): Beautiful Blackbird Craft
Wednesday, February 19 at 4pm | Marion Library
Come learn about African-American Author, Ashley Bryan. We will read Beautiful Blackbird and make a craft.

After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): Art Lab: Team Drawing
Wednesday, February 26 at 4pm | Marion Library
Come find creative inspiration through fun drawing games with friends! Flex your creative muscles and work together to create a masterpiece!
Ven a encontrar inspiración creativa a través de divertidos juegos de dibujo con amigos! ¡Ejercite sus músculos creativos y trabajen en equipo para crear una obra maestra!

Please join our CLOSED Facebook page by searching McDowell Library Children Services for updates, videos and more from our Children’s Library!
First Chapter Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Join Ms. Megan for the first chapter of a new book that has been added to our collection. These books are geared toward students in grade 2-5.
Fridays at 7:00 p.m.
Join Ms. Megan for a bedtime stories in our CLOSED Facebook group (McDowell Library Children Services)
Have a question about a program posted? Call us at either 828-652-3858 for Marion or 828-668-7111 for Old Fort.