McDowell County Public Library

Children’s Programs

Welcome to our Children’s Program Page where you can find upcoming programs for children from Birth to 5th Grade. To see a full list of programs for all ages, check out our Program Calendar.


Upcoming March Programs 

Preschool Storytime

Monday, March 3, March 10, March 17, March 24, and March 31 at 10:30AM

Join Ms. Megan for Preschool Storytime at the Marion Library.

Books, songs, felt board stories, action rhymes, and fun for preschool-aged children.

Libros, canciones, historias en fieltro, rimas de acción y diversión para niños en edad preescolar.


Movement Storytime with Jordan Laney Monday, March 3 at 10:30AM

Join us on the first Monday of each month for Preschool Movement Storytime. Come enjoy stories along with Yoga for toddlers.

Acompañanos el primer lunes de cada mes para la hora del cuento con movimiento para edades preescolares. Venga a disfrutar de cuentos y yoga para niños pequeños.


Preschool Storytime with Desiree Magnant, Monday, March 31 at 10:30AM

Come enjoy stories presented by Desiree Magnant with the Partnership for Children of the Foothills.

Ven a disfrutar de las historias presentadas por Desiree Magnant con la Asociación Partnership for Children of the Foothills.


Circle of Parents Mondays after Marion Preschool Storytime 11AM-12:30PM

Join Amanda Tippey for refreshments, coffee, conversation with other parents, and support during this season of parenting! Contact Amanda: for more information.

¡Únase a Amanda Tippey para tomar un refrigerio, tomar un café, conversar con otros padres y recibir apoyo durante esta temporada de crianza! Comuníquese con Amanda: para obtener más información.


Craft for Little Hands

Preschool-aged children are invited to craft at the library. Dress for a mess because we will be using glue, scissors, paints, paper, markers, crayons and much more! Designed for ages 3- to 5-year old’s, but all are welcome.

Los niños de edad preescolar están invitados a hacer manualidades en la biblioteca. ¡Vístase para hacer un desastre porque usaremos pegamento, tijeras, pinturas, papel, marcadores, crayones y mucho más! Diseñado para niños de entre 3 y 5 años, pero todos son bienvenidos.

Monday, March 10  at 11AM | Marion Library



Elementary Programs

After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): St. Patrick’s STEM

Wednesday, March 5 at 4pm | Marion Library

Elementary students are invited to our St. Patrick’s Day Stem program. Students will be challenged to make a wind- powered maze and construct a rainbow bridge that can hold the heaviest pot of gold without falling over.

Los estudiantes de primaria están invitados a nuestro programa STEM del Día de San Patricio. Los estudiantes tendrán el desafío de hacer un laberinto impulsado por el viento y construir un puente de arcoíris que pueda sostener la olla de oro más pesada sin caerse.


After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): Pi Day

Wednesday, March 12 at 4pm | Marion Library

In preparation for Pi Day on the 14th, come learn about one of the most important (and fun!) numbers in mathematics! We’ll have hands-on activities and even some appropriately-shaped snacks!

Para prepararnos para el Día de Pi, el 14, ¡ven a aprender sobre uno de los números más importantes (y divertidos) de las matemáticas! Tendremos actividades prácticas e incluso algunos bocadillos con formas apropiadas.


After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): 3D Spring Flowers

Wednesday, March 19 at 4pm | Marion Library

Spring has sprung! Come join the fun and let’s whip up some fabulous 3D spring flowers! 

¡Ha llegado la primavera! ¡Acompañanos a la diversión y hagamos unas fabulosas flores primaverales en 3D! 


After-School Adventures (Kindergarten- 5th Grade): Collage Poetry

Wednesday, March 26 at 4pm | Marion Library

Celebrate World Poetry Day with us by combining visual and linguistic arts to make something totally unique! Even if you don’t like poetry, this program will help you appreciate all the different forms it takes– and maybe even find one perfect for you!

Celebre con nosotros el Día Mundial de la Poesía combinando las artes visuales y lingüísticas para crear algo totalmente único. Incluso si no le gusta la poesía, este programa le ayudará a apreciar todas las diferentes formas que adopta, ¡y tal vez incluso a encontrar una perfecta para usted!

Virtual Programs

First Chapter Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

Join Ms. Megan for the first chapter of a new book that has been added to our collection.

Bedtime Stories

Fridays at 7 p.m.

Bedtime Story read at 7 p.m. by Ms. Megan in our CLOSED Facebook group (McDowell Children Library Services)



Have a question about a program posted?  Call us at either 828-652-3858 for Marion or 828-668-7111 for Old Fort.

  • Hours

    Marion Library

    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-5:30
    Tue, Thu: 10-7
    Saturday: 11-5
    Sunday: Closed
    Holiday Hours

    Old Fort Library

    Monday: Closed
    Tues: 10-7
    Wed, Fri: 10-5:30
    Thursday: 10-7
    Saturday: 11-5
    Sunday: Closed
    Holiday Hours

  • Get in touch

    Marion Library

    Phone 828-652-3858
    Fax 828-652-2098

    Old Fort Library

    Phone 828-668-7111
    Fax 828-668-1758

    Subscribe to our Newsletter

  • Find us

    Marion Library

    90 W Court St
    Marion, NC 28752

    Old Fort Library

    65 E Mitchell St
    Old Fort, NC 28762