McDowell County Public Library

Adult Literacy Program


McDowell County Public Library is proud to offer a free, adult literacy program sponsored in part by the McDowell Endowment Fund!

Why do we need an adult literacy program?


According to the National Assessment for Adult Literacy (NAAL), in 2003 it was found that 14% of North Carolina’s adult population is functionally illiterate. By the numbers, that means that’s about 1 in 7 people in North Carolina struggle to read and comprehend. The library seeks to provide access to resources for everyone! Those who need a little extra help are encouraged to reach out and find help at the library.


Who can use the adult literacy program?


Individuals who struggle to read a menu at a restaurant or a label in the grocery store. People who need help filling out a job application, navigating basic directional pamphlets, or cannot read a bedtime story to their child. 

Literacy struggles are, unfortunately, not rare – but the library is there to help our community move forward!



How do I help someone sign up?


The first step is simply make the call! Contact our Marion Branch at 828-652-3858, from there you will be connected with our Adult Coordinator who will schedule a time to meet. During this meeting, they will work together to fill out the application and determine some goals. After the initial meeting, some basic tests will be scheduled (that can be on the same day or later, everything is conducted at the library), these tests will help us connect the student with the best tutor to help them reach their goals and beyond!

View an example application here!

It all starts with that first phone call!

How do I become a tutor?


If you are interested in being a part of our Adult Literacy Program, contact the library at 828-652-3858! We will schedule an interview with you and determine your compatibility with the program, and schedule training sessions at the library.


Anyone can become a tutor! All those who are interested are encouraged to reach and be a part of a positive change in their community.

For more information call 828-652-3858

  • Hours

    Marion Library

    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-5:30
    Tue, Thu: 10-7
    Saturday: 11-5
    Sunday: Closed
    Holiday Hours

    Old Fort Library

    Monday: Closed
    Tues: 10-7
    Wed, Fri: 10-5:30
    Thursday: 10-7
    Saturday: 11-5
    Sunday: Closed
    Holiday Hours

  • Get in touch

    Marion Library

    Phone 828-652-3858
    Fax 828-652-2098

    Old Fort Library

    Phone 828-668-7111
    Fax 828-668-1758

    Subscribe to our Newsletter

  • Find us

    Marion Library

    90 W Court St
    Marion, NC 28752

    Old Fort Library

    65 E Mitchell St
    Old Fort, NC 28762